Sunday, December 14, 2014

OmNom mittens begin.....

Beaded OmNom mitts - black outline to start, more to fill in.  

Went to the town craft store yesterday. This store is only open sometimes - you must check if the padlock is undone & that there is smoke coming from the chimney. A small log cabin with a wood stove in the middle & the ceiling dripping with peeling paint. Surrounding shelves built into the wall house hanks of seed beads in most sizes, stroud, needles & other beading & sewing treasures. 
These are the beauties I picked up :) 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sugar cookie time!

Making cookies with the kidlets & for their classes at school😊
Tried 3 different recipes & found that the Vanilla Roll Out Cookies from is the best. The cookies do not alter too much through baking, the other recipes I tried spread to much for my liking. 

Topped with Royal Icing & sugar sprinkles  = some happy little kidlets!!